Monday, January 25, 2010

Hazrath Moosa Alahissalam

Hazrath Moosa As

The Bani Israeel in Egypt.

In the story of Hazrat Yusuf it is mentioned that Hazrat Yaqoob and his family went to Egypt to meet Hazrat Yusuf. The Qur'aan then mentions the chronicles of the later generations of the Bani Israeel in the story of Hazrat Moosa.

The Bani Israeel settled in Egypt during the era of Hazrat Yusuf. In the Tauraat it is mentioned that Hazrat Yusuf requested for his family, the land of Goshen, from the Pharaoh. This request was happily fulfilled. The Bani Israeel continued to live in Egypt. By Hazrat Moosa's time, their numbers had multiplied to 600 000 individuals.


"Firown" (Pharaoh) was the title of all the Egyptian rulers, and not any specific ruler. According to the historians, the Dynasty of the Pharaohs began in 3000 BC till the reign of Alexander the Great. During this period Egypt passed through the hands of 31 Pharaohs. It is not authentically known which Pharaoh ruled during the time of Hazrat Moosa.

The Pharaoh's Dream

According to the commentators of the Tauraat, Firown (the Pharaoh) was informed by the astronomers and fortune-tellers that his kingdom will be usurped by an Israelite youth. Certain historical records also mention Firown had a terrifying dream, which his ministers and astrologers interpreted as mentioned above. Thereupon Firown appointed special troops to kill all the Israelite boys.

The Birth of Hazrat Moosa .

Through many chains the lineage of Hazrat Moosa reaches Hazrat Yaqoob. His father's name was Imraan and his mother's name was "Yukabad". Hazrat Moosa was born at that time when Firown had commanded that all the Israelite male babies were to be killed. In spite of this his birth was kept a secret for three months. During this dangerous and critical phase, Allaah Ta'ala sent down his assistance. Allaah Ta'ala inspired Hazrat Moosa's mother to make a coffin-like box, smear it with grease and resin (so that water could not seep in). Then she placed the child securely inside the box, and set it afloat in the River Nile. She also instructed her eldest daughter, Hazrat Moosa's sister to walk along the river bank following the box. She was to observe how Allaah Ta'ala will fulfil his promise of protection. Allaah Ta'ala had prior to this informed Hazrat Moosa's mother:

“We will return this child to you, and we will make him our messenger.”

In the Custody of Firown

His sister followed the box as it floated along the banks of the Nile. She watched it float in front of Firown's palace. A woman from the royal family sent a servant to draw it out of the river, and take it to the palace. When Hazrat Moosa's sister saw this she became very happy. In order to have a clear picture of what was happening, she went to work at the palace as a servant. Meanwhile Hazrat Moosa’s mother was anxiously awaiting news of her child. Her daughter came home and narrated all that had transpired, and said:

“Now come with me, so you may take your child into your arms. Cool your eyes (with the sight of your child)! Be grateful to Allaah Ta'ala that He has fulfilled his promise of protection.”

In this manner Allaah Ta'ala made a means for the upbringing of Hazrat Moosa.

Exile from Egypt

Hazrat Moosa lived at the palace. He grew up to be an extremely strong and brave young man. His countenance was awe- inspiring. His speech held a special luster and eminence. He was aware of the fact that he was an Israelite, and not related to any of the Copts. He also noticed that the Bani Israeel were terribly oppressed. They were made to live a disgraceful lifestyle, and were treated like slaves. Seeing his people in these straightened conditions made him furious. He assisted and protected the Israelites whenever he could.

One day while walking in the city he saw an Egyptian dragging an Israelite to work for him with out pay. When the Israelite saw Hazrat Moosa he begged for assistance. Angered by this harsh, despotic treatment, Hazrat Moosa tried to stop the Egyptian, but he refused to listen. Finally Hazrat Moosa lost his temper and smacked the Egyptian. This slap proved to be fatal. Hazrat Moosa was filled with remorse, as his intention had not been to kill him. Regretfully he told himself:

“This is the scheme of Shaytaan, he deviates man.”

He prayed to Allaah Ta'ala:

“Whatever happened, happened unintentionally. I beg for forgiveness.”

Allaah Ta'ala forgave for his error, and gave him the glad tidings of his forgiveness.

The news that an Egyptian had been murdered spread in the town. But no-one knew who had been responsible. Eventually the Egyptians complained to Firown that an Israelite must have been responsible, and justice must be carried out. Firown replied:

“I cannot punish the entire nation. You find out who the murderer is, and I will make him pay for his evil.”

Again, while Hazrat Moosa was strolling around the outskirts of the city, he saw the same Israelite fighting with an Egyptian Copt. The Copt overpowered him. Upon seeing Hazrat Moosa, the Israelite again requested assistance. Hazrat Moosa found himself in a distasteful situation. On one hand was the Copt's tyranny, on the other hand was the noise and the clamour of the Israelite. Recalling the previous incident Hazrat Moosa stretched his hand in front of the Copt to stop him. At the same time he turned to the Israelite, and rebukingly said:

“You are clearly deviated !”

Meaning: ’You unnecessarily cause fights and ask me to help you.'

When the Israelite saw Hazrat Moosa's hand advancing, and heard the angry words he thought:

He wants to hit me and capture me.”

Therefore he wickedly said:

Do you wish to kill me like you killed a person yesterday?” (Qasas-19)

When the Copt heard this he immediately went to the Egyptians and related the entire incident. They in turn informed Firown that Hazrat Moosa was the killer. Firown immediately ordered that Hazrat Moosa should be arrested and brought to court.

In the gathering there was a certain nobleman who loved Hazrat Moosa very much and secretly believed in the religion of the Bani Israeel. He belonged to the royal family and was a resident of the palace. Upon hearing Firown's command, he left the court before the soldiers. He hurried to Hazrat Moosa and narrated what had happened. He advised Hazrat Moosa to leave Egypt, in order to escape Firown and the Egyptians. He should go to some other place where Firown's authority was not effective. Accepting his advice Hazrat Moosa(A.S) quietly left for Madyan.


Madyan has been mentioned in the story of Hazrat Shuaib. The city of Madyan was eight manzils from Egypt. As Hazrat Moosa was speedily fleeing Egypt, he did not have a guide or companion during the journey. In this confused state Hazrat Moosa entered Madyan.

The Watering-hole of Madyan.

When Hazrat Moosa arrived at Madyan, he saw the people crowding the waterhole in front of the well. The people were taking their animals to drink water. A little distance away two young girls were standing with their animals, but the girls were keeping the animals away from the water.

Upon seeing this Hazrat Moosa went to them and enquired:

“Why aren't you taking your animals to the water? Why are you standing back ?”

They replied:

“We are helpless. If we go forward these strong men will force us back. Our father is very old, and does not have the strength to shoulder the crowd. So when these people are finished, then we take our animals to the water. This is our daily procedure.”

Infuriated Hazrat Moosa went forward penetrating the crowd until he reached the well. Single-handedly he lifted the huge stone that covered the well, and let the animals drink. Although the people did not like his cutting through the crowd, but they were awe-struck by his powerful physique and his illustrious appearance. These same powerful people who had thrust aside the weak and helpless in order to achieve their ends were astounded by his strength. When they saw him single-handedly lift the stone cover of the well, they were awe-struck.

Once their animals were watered the girls returned home. When they came home unusually early, their father was surprised. Upon his enquiry, the girls narrated how a certain Egyptian had come to their assistance. The father commanded them to go and call the person.

After watering the animals, Hazrat Moosa rested in the shade of a nearby tree. Due to his hasty flight Hazrat Moosa was tired and hungry, but he was in a strange place with none to assist him. In this condition he prayed to Allaah Ta'ala:

“Oh Allaah Indeed I am in need of whatever bounty Thou choose to bestow upon me.” (Qasas-24)

When the girl arrived at the place she saw Hazrat Moosa seated near the well. Modestly lowering her gaze she said:

’Our father calls you home so he may reward you for your favours.'

Hazrat Moosa got up and walked in front and followed the directions of the girl. He had the good fortune of meeting their father. First the elderly man gave Hazrat Moosa food, then he enquired about Hazrat Moosa's circumstances. Hazrat Moosa narrated his entire story; from the time of his birth, and the tyranny of Firown towards the Bani Israeel, till the last incident.

The old man consoled him saying:

“Be grateful to Allaah Ta'ala that you have escaped those tyrants. Now you need not be afraid.”

The Qur'aan has mentioned the old man as “Shaikhun Kabeer” (the honourable old man).


During the above mentioned conversation, the daughter that went to call Hazrat Moosa said:

“Oh my father! hire him, for the best you can hire is the strong and trustworthy one” (Qasas-26)

The elderly father happily accepted his daughters suggestion. He told Hazrat Moosa:

“If you stay with me for eight years and graze my sheep, I am prepared to get you married to this daughter of mine. And if you stay another two years, completing ten in all, it will be even better! This will be the dowry for my daughter.”

Hazrat Moosa agreed replying:

“I wish that you leave it to my will to complete any of the two periods. Regarding this you may not hold any authority over me.”

After this agreement the elderly host got his daughter married to Hazrat Moosa.

The Sacred Valley

After his marriage, Hazrat Moosa stayed with his father- in-law to complete the stipulated period. In light of the authentic narrations, the commentators have stated that Hazrat Moosa completed ten years. The Qur'aan does not mention exactly how much longer he stayed thereafter. Hazrat Moosa did stay quite a long time in Madyan, tending to the animals.

One day whilst going in search of new pastures, with his wife and family, Hazrat Moosa landed up quite far away from Madyan. This was not anything strange to the pasture-folk. As the night was cold, they were in search of warmth and fire. Ahead of them was the Eastern part of the Sinai Mountain Range. Madyan was a days journey from the Red Sea, which lay en route to Egypt. Hazrat Moosa tried to kindle a fire by using flint, but due to the extreme cold, he was unsuccessful. Suddenly he cast his gaze at the valley (Wadi-e-Ayman) ahead of him. His eyes fell on a brilliantly burning flame.

He said to his family,

“Wait here! Indeed I have perceived a fire. Perhaps I may bring you a live ember, or I may find at the fire some guide.” (Ta Haa-10)


“Of the bounties of Allaah Ta'ala, ask Moosa. Forth he went in search of fire, with apostleship returned he.”

Hazrat Moosa saw a strange fire. He saw a flaming light on the tree, but it did not burn the tree, nor was it being extinguished. Pondering over this, he went forward. But as he went forward, the fire receded. Thereupon, Hazrat Moosa became afraid, and intended returning. As he began to turn away, the fire came forward, and he heard a voice saying:

“Indeed I am Allaah; the Lord or the Worlds.” (Qasas-30)

When he drew nearer, he was called:

“Oh Moosa!” (Ta Haa-11)

“Verily I am your Sustainer! Remove your shoes. Indeed you are in the Sacred Valley; Tuwa” (Ta Haa-12)

“And I have chosen you, so listen attentively to that which will be revealed to you.” (Ta Haa-13)

When Hazrat Moosa heard the voice of Allaah Ta’ala, he realised that he had the great fortune of receiving that honour which marks a person's excellence, and is the ultimate gift from Allaah Ta'ala.

Bewildered, he stood rooted to the spot. Finally the Supreme Being spoke:

“And what is that in Thy right hand Oh Moosa ?” (Ta Haa-17)

The true beloved is asking the sincere lover, an opportunity to speak to the Almighty Allaah. In this moment of ecstasy the thought did not even occur that an answer should be given in accordance to the question.

He said:

“It is my staff. I lean on it, and I use it to beat down the leaves for my sheep“ (Ta Haa-18)

The only answer needed was: "My stick". But how could he stop the surges of love. The magnificent opportunity of speaking to the beloved! A lover's epithet should be prepared! He said: ’It is my stick......’ He began to recount its many uses. Yet, just as suddenly as his speech began so too did it end. In the court of the true beloved, love teaches respect.

“Oh Moosa ! Remember in whose court you are present. It should not be that this lengthy speech be regarded as disrespect!”

The moment this thought struck, Hazrat Moosa changed his manner and said:

“And I use it for many other purposes!” (Ta Haa-18)

His heart desired to lengthen this discourse with the beloved, but etiquette demanded silence. So he cut short his speech, else the discourses of love are indeed lengthy.

The Signs of Allaah Ta'ala.

Then Allaah Ta'ala said:

“Cast it down ! Oh Moosa.” (Ta Haa-19)

Hazrat Moosa executed the divine command:

“He threw it. And lo it was a serpent running.” (Ta Haa-20)

When Hazrat Moosa saw the amazing feat, due to human weakness, he became afraid and began to runaway. As soon he turned on his heels, he heard a voice:

He (Allaah Ta'ala) said:

“Seize it! and do not fear. Soon we shall return it to its original state.” (Ta Haa-21)

The end of Hazrat Moosa's stick had two branches. These branches turned into the gaping jaws of the serpent. Although Hazrat Moosa was terrified, but the Divine Affinity had produced a certain tranquillity. So he fearlessly placed his hand over the mouth of the serpent. Immediately it resumed its original state of the two-pronged stick.

Again Hazrat Moosa was called and commanded to put his hand in his shirt and touch his armpit. His hand emerged shining brilliantly, free of any blemish or illness.

“And press your hand to your side. It will come forth white, free of any illness, as another sign.”(Ta Haa-22)

Allaah Ta'ala told him:

“Oh Moosa! These are two great signs of your prophethood from Us. This will verify your message of Truth. Just as We have endowed you with prophethood, so too have We granted you these great miracles.“

“So that We may show you our greatest signs.” (Ta Haa-23)

“These two are proofs from your Sustainer unto Firown and his chieftains. Indeed they are a miscreant nation.” (Qasas-32)

“Go! and show Firown and his people to the straight path. They have been extremely rebellious. Because of their pride and arrogance, they have oppressed the Bani Israeel and enslaved them. Therefore free them from this slavery.”

Hazrat Moosa supplicated to the Divine Court.

"Oh my Allaah! An Egyptian has been killed at my hands. Therefore I fear that they may kill me. I also fear that they will vehemently refute my message. Just as Thou has bestowed this rank upon me, so open my heart and fill it with Noor; and render this great task easy; and release the knot from my tongue; so the people may understand my speech. As my speech is not clear, and my brother Haroon is more eloquent than I, therefore also bestow this blessing (of prophethood) upon him, and make him my partner in this work.”

Allaah Ta'ala comforted Hazrat Moosa:

“Take this message and go to them. Show them the path to the truth. They will not be able to harm you in the least. You have Our support. Those miracles which We have granted you will be the means of your success. Finally you will be victorious. We have accepted your request and appointed your brother, Haroon, as your assistant. Now the two of you go to Firown and present this message of guidance to him in a sweet and gentle manner. Perchance he may accept the advice and the fear of Allaah Ta'ala will cause him to refrain from his tyranny.”

Entering Egypt

After Hazrat Moosa had been endowed with the lofty office of prophethood, experienced the wonderful blessing of Divine Conversation, and was assured success in the work of inviting to the truth, he descended the Sacred Valley. He then went to his wife who had been awaiting his arrival in the nearby forest.

Taking her with him he headed for Egypt to fulfill the Divine command. They reached Egypt by nightfall. He stealthily went to his home, but did not enter the house. He appeared in front of his mother as a traveller. Among the Bani Israeel, this house entertained many travelers. Hazrat Moosa was also treated honourably. A little later his older brother Haroon also arrived at the house. Prior to this Haroon had been endowed with prophethood. Through Divine revelation, he had been informed of Hazrat Moosa’s entire history. Upon seeing his brother, Hazrat Haroon excitedly embraced him. Then Hazrat Haroon gathered the family and narrated Hazrat Moosa’s story. They all rejoiced at the reunion, and at last the mother of Hazrat Moosa cooled her eyes.

The Court of Firown

Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Haroon decide to go to Firown and convey the message of Allaah Ta’ala to him . With this object in mind the two brothers fearlessly entered Firown’s court. Upon reaching the throne they presented their message:

And Moosa said:

“Oh Firown! Verily, I am the apostle of the Sustainer of the worlds.” (A’araaf-104)

“It is incumbent upon me that I do not say anything against Allaah Ta’ala save the truth. Surely I have brought evidence from your Sustainer. So send the Children of Israel with Me.“ (A’araaf-105)

Firown replied

“Did we not raise you amongst us when you were a mere child, and did you not live with us for many years? Then you executed that deed of yours. You are of the ungrateful ones.” (Shu’araah-19)

Thereupon Hazrat Moosa (A.S) said:

“When I did it, it was an error.” (Shu’araah-20)

“Terrified, I fled from you, and my Allaah endowed me with wisdom, and included me among the Sent Ones.” (Shu’araah-21)

“And those favours which you gloat of, was that you enslaved the Children of Israel.” (Shu’araah-22)

Thereupon Firown enquired:

“What is meant by `Rabb-ul-Aalameen’ {the Sustainer of the worlds}?” (Shu’araah-23)

Hazrat Moosa(A.S) replied:

“ ’Rabb-ul-Aalameen’, is that Being from whose sustenance not even you and your ancestors are independent.”

Meaning that:

“Allaah Ta’ala created you, brought you into this world, sustained and took care of you. Prior to your existence, your ancestors were also likewise sustained.”

Firown was dumbstruck. As he could not argue the matter any further, he said:

“I think that this person who calls himself your prophet is mad.”

When Hazrat Moosa realised that Firown was out-witted, he decided to explain the Providence of Allaah Ta’ala more impressively.

He said:

“That Being in whose hands lies the East and the West, and all that is therein, He is Who I call ‘Rabb-ul-Aalameen’. With a little intelligence you will easily realise this.”

Once again Hazrat Moosa reminded Firown:

“That path which you have chosen is not the straight path. ’Rabb-ul-Aalameen’ is the only Being who is worthy of worship. Any one who claims to be the Sustainer is an outright polytheist. Oh Firown ! Abstain from this because that Being who is ’Rabb-ul-Aalameen’ has revealed to us that whosoever opposes the Truth, refutes it and turns away from it, will be deserving of the wrath of the Divine Master.”

“Indeed it has been revealed to us that the chastisement will be for him who belied and turned away.” (Taahaa-48)

Firown again asked:

“Who is your Sustainer, Oh Moosa ? “ (Taahaa -49)

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“Our Sustainer is He who has created everything with its form, then he guided it.” (Taahaa-50)

Then Firown enquired:

“Then what happened to the former generations.” (Taahaa-51)

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“That knowledge is (recorded) by my Sustainer in the book. My Allaah did not make a mistake nor did He forget.” (Taahaa-52)

“He is that Being who has spread the earth for you and opened there-in pathways (roads) for you, and sent from the Heavens water. And thereby we have brought forth various kinds of vegetation.” (Taahaa-53)

“Eat and let your animals graze. Indeed there-in are signs for the men of prudence.” (Taahaa-54)

“From it (this earth) we have created you, and into it will we return you, and therefrom we shall bring you forth once again.” (Taahaa-55)

According to the commentators Hazrat Haroon acted as an interpreter between Hazrat Moosa and Firown. He conveyed Hazrat Moosa’s proofs and the arguments very eloquently.

Firown’s Misdeeds

This conversation became the topic of many gatherings. Firown employed various tactics to put an end to the talk. Finally he addressed the people.

Firown said:

“Oh chiefs! I am not aware of any deity save myself.” (Qasas-38)

Then he commanded his minister:

“Oh Haamaan! Build me a lofty tower so that I may reach the ways of access.“ (Mo’min-36)

“The way of access to the heaven. Then I will look at the deity of Moosa. Indeed I deem him to be of the liars.” (Mo’min-37)


The Qur’aan has not mentioned whether ’Haamaan’ is the name of a specific person, or the title of a certain rank. Nor are we informed as to whether ‘Haamaan’ built the tower or not. The Tauraat is also silent in this respect.

The Scene at Firown’s Court

Firown’s anxiety was steadily increasing until it reached such a stage that he said:

Firown said:

“If you adopt any deity other than I, I shall surely imprison you.” (Shu’araah-29)

Moosa replied:

“Even if I present some clear proofs?” (Shu’araah-30)

He (Firown) replied:

“If you have come with a sign then show it, If you are truthful.” (A’araaf-106)

Hazrat Moosa went in front of the crowded court and threw his staff down in front of Firown. Immediately it turned into a serpent. It was a real serpent not a mere illusion. Then Hazrat Moosa put his hand in his shirt and touched his side. When he removed his hand, it shone like a brilliant star. This was the second sign and miracle.

Upon seeing their king being defeated by an Israelite, Frown’s ministers agitatedly


“Undoubtedly! this is a very clever magician. He has played this trick so that he may overpower you and drive you off your land. We should ponder as to what should be done to him.”

Finally Firown and his people agreed that:

“We will temporarily give Moosa and Haroon a chance. During this time, we will gather magicians from all over the kingdom. The magicians will contest Moosa, and he will definitely be defeated. All his ambitions will be reduced to dust.”

Then Firown addressed Hazrat Moosa:

“Oh Moosa! We are aware of the fact that you are using this trick to usurp our land. Therefore you will be punished in such a manner, that all the renowned magicians will be gathered, and you will meet your end at their hands. Now we have to set a date for this great contest. We will not withdraw our agreement, nor will you go against your word.”

Hazrat Moosa said:

“The best time for that is “Yaum-uz-Zeenah” (the day of the festival). At noon on that day, we should all be present on the field.”

In short Hazrat Moosa and Firown had settled on “Yaum-uz-Zeenah”. Immediately Firown requested all his courtiers and statesmen to gather all the renowned magicians and send them to the court as soon as possible.

The Defeat of the Magicians and Firown’s Evil

The day of the festival dawned. With his usual pomp and splendor, Firown was seated on his throne. All the ministers and courtiers were also seated according to rank and file. Thousands of people gathered to witness the great contest between Truth and Falsehood.

On one side the enormous groups of all the great and famous magicians were assembled with their equipment, ready. On the other side stood the messengers of Allaah Ta’ala and the prophets of Truth; Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Haroon.

And the magicians came to Firown saying:

“Surely there is a reward for us if we are successful!” (A’araaf-113)

He(Firown) replied:

“Yes! And indeed you will be of the favoured ones.” (A’araaf-114)

When the magicians were assured of their reward they turned to Hazrat Moosa

Moosa said to them:

“Woe unto you! Do not fabricate a lie, against Allaah Ta’ala, lest He may destroy you with some punishment. Verily he who fabricates lies will be unsuccessful.” (Taahaa-61)

The magicians then said:

“Oh Moosa! Either you cast down (your staff) or we shall be the ones to cast.” (A’araaf-115)

He (Moosa)said:

“You throw! Then they threw. They conjured an illusion over the eyes of the people and terrified them. They brought a mighty magic.“ (A’araaf-116)

And we revealed unto Moosa:

“Cast down your staff!”

“And lo! It swallowed all that they had conjured.” (A’araaf-117)

“Thus the truth prevailed and rendered all their actions futile.” (A’araaf-118)

“And the magicians threw themselves down into prostration.” (A’araaf-120)

They said:

“We believe in the Sustainer of the worlds.” (A’araaf-121)

“The Sustainer of Moosa and Haroon.” (A’araaf-122)

Upon seeing the situation, Firown said:

“Did you believe (in Moosa), before I gave you permission. Indeed he (Moosa) is your mentor, who has taught you magic. I will most certainly cut-off your hands and feet on the opposite sides, and I will hang you on the trunks of palm-trees. Then you will surely know which of us is more severe in torment and ever-lasting.” (Taahaa-71)

When any person is blessed with true faith, whether it be even for a moment, it creates such a courageous spiritual strength, that not even the most powerful worldly power can overpower it.

Therefore Firown’s tyrannical threats did not frighten the magicians in the least. They replied:

“By no means shall we give you preference over that which has come to us of the clear proofs, and that Being who has created us. Command whatever you wish. You can only command in respect of the life of this world.” (Taahaa-72)

“Indeed! We believe in our Sustainer, that He (Allaah Ta’ala) will forgive our faults, and that which you have compelled us to do in the way of magic. Allaah Ta’ala is the Best and the Eternal.”(Taahaa-73)

In this contest between truth and falsehood, Firown and his noblemen left terribly defeated. They were disgraced in front of the entire nation. Allaah Ta’ala had fulfilled the promise made to Hazrat Moosa.

Apart from the magicians, a group of Israelite youngsters also became Muslims.

“Due to fear of Firown and his chieftains none believed in Moosa save a group of his people,

Lest he (Firown) should persecute them.” (Yunus-83)

Firown’s courtiers could not even bear this limited success.

The chieftains of Firown’s people said:

“Will thou leave Moosa and his people to make mischief in the land, and to forsake you and your deities.”

He (Firown) replied:

“Soon we will kill their sons and let their women live.” (A’araaf-127)

This was Firown’s second announcement!

The Anxiety of the Bani Israeel.

When Hazrat Moosa was informed of Firown’s plots, he gathered the Bani Israeel and encouraged them to endure patiently, and to believe and place their trust in the hands of the Almighty Allaah . The Bani Israeel replied:

“Oh Moosa! From long before we have been oppressed and persecuted. Your arrival stirred a little hope. But the same calamity has befallen us again. This is very hard to bear.”

Hazrat Moosa tried to console them saying:

“Do not fear! You will be victorious. This Earth does not belong to Firown and his people. Allaah Ta’ala is the Sustainer of the Worlds. Allaah Ta’ala will grant the land to whosoever He wishes, and eventually it will be for those who fear Allaah Ta’ala.”

Then Hazrat Moosa told the Muslims that the tyranny of Firown was not over as yet. He will not allow the Bani Israeel and the Muslim Copts to leave Egypt freely. Thereupon they all supplicated to Allaah Ta’ala:

“Oh our Divine Master! Instead of Firown and his people expressing their appreciation for that wealth which Thou has bestowed upon them, they are preparing to oppress and persecute your devoted servants. They do not accept your path of truth, nor are they allowing others to accept. So make these tyrants taste their own medicine. Destroy that wealth and luxury which they adore! Just as they trampled the truth, so instead of granting them the good fortune of “Imaan”, punish them in such a terrible way that their tale will remain as a moral to the generations to come!”

Firown’s Retaliation.

Although Firown had calmed his ministers, the thought of Hazrat Moosa’s spiritual success was eating him up inside. Even the command of the slaughter of the Israelite boys did not give him peace. Finally he said:

“Leave me to slay Moosa, and let him beseech his Sustainer.” (Mo’min-26)

When Hazrat Moosa was informed of this he said:

“Truly indeed, I seek refuge in my Allaah and your Allaah from every proud person who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning!” (Mo’min-27)

The Egyptian Believer.

Among Firown’s courtiers there was an Egyptian nobleman who had secretly become a Muslim. When he heard this, he tried to appeal in favour of Hazrat Moosa. He tried to make them understand saying:

“Will you kill a man because he professes: `My Sustainer is Allaah Ta’ala!?”

He has brought to you the best of proofs. If for instance he is liar, then this lie will not harm you. But if he is truthful, then you should fear the warnings which he has brought from the Almighty Allaah.

Firown cut the Muslim’s speech short saying:

“You know that which I have told you is correct and for the better.”

The Muslim made a final effort saying:

“Oh my people I fear that our condition must not be like that of the previous nations; like that of the Aad and the Thamud, and those nations that came later. Allaah Ta’ala never oppresses his servants. The destruction of those nations was through their own misdeeds. Today in the very same manner, you are opposing Moosa. You worry about your worldly status. I fear the Day of Judgement, when each one will call the other, but at that time no-one will be able to save you from the punishment of the Almighty Allaah. Oh you chieftains! Your condition is such that when Hazrat Yusuf propagated the message of Allaah Ta’ala,you(i.e. your ancestors) refused to believe. When he passed away, then you people said:

“Now Allaah Ta’ala will not send another messenger!”

Now you are adopting the same behaviour with Hazrat Moosa. For Allaah’s sake understand! and choose the straight path.

When Firown and his chieftains heard this speech, their attention was turned from Hazrat Moosa to this Muslim person. The Copts wished to kill him, but Allaah Ta’ala did not allow their filthy ideas to prevail.

“Then Allaah Ta’ala protected him from the evils which they plotted.” (Mo’min-45)

Firown’s Announcement.

When Firown failed to defeat Hazrat Moosa, he announced among the people:

“Oh my people! Do I not have a right to the sovereignty of Egypt, with all these rivers flowing beneath me? Do you not see?” (Zukhruf-51)

“Am I not better than this disgraced one, who cannot even speak clearly?” (Zukhruf-52)

“Why then has he not been showered with bracelets of gold, nor has he any angels to accompany him?” (Zukhruf-53)

The Wrath of Allaah Ta’ala

With the exception of a few, all the Egyptians followed Firown, and began to slaughter the male children of the Bani Israeel. Firown began to disgrace and humiliate Hazrat Moosa, and forcefully propagate the doctrine of his own godliness. Hazrat Moosa received the divine revelation that:

“Go and inform Firown, that if this is your behaviour, then soon the wrath of Allaah Ta’ala will descend.”

When he (Firown) did not heed this warning, almost immediately, the Divine wrath descended. Thereupon Firown and his people adopted this scheme; that when the divine punishment descended in a certain form, they would promise Hazrat Moosa that:

“Very well! We will believe in you if you supplicate Allaah to remove this calamity.”

When the punishment was lifted they reverted to their evil. When the punishment descended in another form, they said:

“Very well! We will set the Bani Israeel free and send them with you. Pray to your Allaah to remove this punishment.”

When they were once again granted respite through the supplication of Hazrat Moosa, and the punishment was removed, they would prepare to trouble them again. In this manner Allaah Ta’ala sent many different signs to Firown and his people, and they were repeatedly given grace. The Qur’aan has mentioned the seven signs of punishment:

“And assuredly we seized the people of the Firown with drought and lack of fruit, so that they may take a lesson.” (A’araaf-130)

“Thereafter we sent upon them the flood, locust, lice, frogs and blood as detailed signs.” (A’araaf-133)

Among the signs mentioned in these verses are lice and frogs. Regarding these the commentators have explained that the situation was such, that the frogs and the lice invaded everything; their food, clothes, utensils, etc. There was not a thing or a place where in these creatures were not seen.

Regarding the blood it is mentioned that the water of the Nile changed to the colour and taste of blood. Thus it became difficult for them to drink the water. Even the fish in the river died.

[According to the Arab linguists the word “qoomal” (lice) has a vast meaning. It can include all the following meanings:

“Allaah Ta’ala sent such a punishment on the Egyptians, that He sent lice upon the humans and spread flies in the food. Tiny destructive fleas were sent upon the animals. Weevils were born in the grain and the crops. The Qur’aan has included all destructive insects under the meaning of the word “qoomal”.”

The Departure of the Bani Israeel.

When the situation reached such a limit that even various types of punishment did not effect the Egyptians, then Allaah Ta’ala commanded Hazrat Moosa that:

The time has come for you to take the Children of Israel and set out towards

the land of your ancestors.

That very night Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Haroon speedily took the Bani Israeel to the Red Sea. They left in such a haste, for fear that the Copts will become aware of their escape. In this great haste, the women did not have a chance to return the jewellery and the valuable clothes they had borrowed from the Copts during a religious festival.

The Drowning of Firown

Hazrat Moosa consoled the Bani Israeel saying:

“Do not fear, Allaah Ta’ala’s promise is true. You will be successful.”

Then he raised his hands in supplication to the Divine Master. Through divine revelation Hazrat Moosa was commanded to strike his staff on the water. When he struck the Red Sea, the ocean split in two, the waves stood up on either side like two mountains, and a path appeared in the centre. At Hazrat Moosa’s command all the Bani Israeel stepped onto the path. They walked across just as they walked on dry land. When Firown (who had followed them) beheld this phenomenon, he said to his people:

“This is my miraculous feat! Lets go forward and catch the Bani Israeel.”

Firown and his entire army followed the Bani Israeel on the same path. But the wonders of Allaah Ta’ala never cease to amaze. When the Bani Israeel had safely reached the opposite side, through Divine command the ocean resumed its normal appearance. Firown and his entire army, who were now in the midst of the ocean were drowned. When he began drowning, and he saw the angels of punishment in front of him, he began shouting:

“I believe in that Being, who has no partner, who the Bani Israeel believe in, and I am of the obedient ones.”

But his faith in Allaah Ta’ala was just another of his tricks, which he used to try and escape the punishment of Allaah Ta’ala. Therefore he received this answer from Allaah Ta’ala:

“Now Indeed! Whereas you have rebelled before, and you were of the corrupt ones.” (Yunus-91)

Meaning that Allaah Ta’ala is fully aware that you are not from the “Muslims” but of the “corrupt ones”.

“They did not believe until they beheld the terrible torment.” (Yunus-88)

“Surely your (two [i.e Moosa and Haroon]) supplication is accepted!” (Yunus-89)

Firown’s plea also received this reply from the Divine Master:

“Today we will save you bodily, so that you may remain as a sign to those after you.” (Yunus-92)

Till today a corpse is preserved in the Egyptian Museum. Due to the person being drowned in the ocean the nose had been bitten off by fish. It is said that it is the corpse of the Pharaoh of Moses. Allaah Ta’ala knows best.

The Splitting of the Ocean.

The noble Qur’aan has mentioned the story of the departure of the Bani Israeel, the drowning of Firown and the salvation of the Bani Israeel very briefly. Only the necessary portions were mentioned. However the warnings, advises and morals attached to these incidents were explained in detail.

“And assuredly we revealed unto Moosa!”

“Depart in the night with my servants, and strike for them a path in the ocean dry. You shall not be over taken. Nor will you fear!” (Taahaa-77)

When Hazrat Moosa and his people set out,

“Firown followed with his army and that portion of the ocean which came upon them covered them (i.e. drowned them).” (Tahaa-78)

“Firown led his people astray, and he did not guide them.” (Tahaa-79)

“And the good word of Thy Lord unto the Children of Israel was fulfilled, due to their long standing suffering. And we destroyed that which Firown and his people had built, and that (those structures) which they had raised.” (A’araaf-137)

“He(Firown) and his army were wrongfully arrogant in the land, and they thought that they would not be returned to us.” (Qasas-39)

“Therefore we seized him and his army, and cast them into the ocean. So behold! Thou the consequences of the tyrants.” (Qasas-40)

“How many gardens and springs did they leave behind?” (Dukhaan-25)

“And plantations, and lofty positions?” (Dukhaan-26)

“And the delights they had been enjoying?” (Dukhaan-27)

“And even so! We caused other nations to inherit it.” (Dukhaan-28)

“Not the heavens, nor did the earth weep over them. Nor were they granted respite.” (Dukhaan-29)

The Great Miracle

The Holy Qur’aan clearly states that the drowning of Firown and the salvation of the Bani Israeel, was indeed a great miracle in the favour of Hazrat Moosa. Within moments all material obstacles were destroyed, freeing the oppressed nations from the chains of the tyrants.

“And Allaah Ta’ala has power over everything.”

“And we delivered Moosa and all those who were with him.” (Shu’araah-65)

“Then we drowned the others (the Egyptians).” (Shu’araah-66)

“Indeed therein is a sign, but most of them do not believe.” (Shu’araah-67)

“And indeed your Lord! He is the Mighty, the Most Merciful!” (Shu’araah-68)

The Punishment of the People of Firown

This incident of Hazrat Moosa and Firown was in fact a fierce war of falsehood and truth. On one side was the humiliation and the fall of pride, insolence, tyranny and egotism. On the opposite side was the strange, yet wonderful triumph of suffered oppression, monotheism, patience and perseverance.

After the worldly destruction of Firown and his people, Allaah Ta’ala draws our attention as to what kind of severe punishment a nation will have to suffer in the hereafter.

“The terrible torment surrounds Firown and his folk!” (Mo’min-45)

“The Fire! They (the Egyptians) are exposed to it morning and evening,(i.e. the grave). And on the Day, when the hour will be raised {Qiyaamat} (it will be said):

“Enter the people of Firown into the most grievous punishment!” (Mo’min-46)

The Bani Israeel’s First Request

After safely crossing the Red Sea, Hazrat Moosa and the Bani Israeel travelled through the wilderness to Mount Sinai. On their way they passed a temple where in idol-worshippers were busy in their idolatrous practices. Upon seeing this the Bani Israeel said to Hazrat Moosa:

“Oh Moosa! Make a deity for us, so that we may also have an idol to worship.”

Upon hearing this verbal request of idolatry, Hazrat Moosa became very angry. He reprimanded the people severely:

“Oh you wretched people! Are you forsaking the worship of one Allaah Ta’ala and turning to idolatry. Have you forgotten all these great bounties of Allaah Ta’ala which you have seen with your eyes.”

The Blessings and the Clear Signs of Allaah Ta’ala

The Flowing of Rivers

The Bani Israeel reached the Sinai Valley which was extremely hot. For a long distance they had not seen any water, or vegetation. The Bani Israeel begged Hazrat Moosa to do something. Finally Hazrat Moosa turned to the Divine Court. Through divine revelation, he was commanded to strike his staff on the ground. Hazrat Moosa executed the command. Immediately twelve streams rushed forth, and each of the twelve tribes of the Bani Israeel had a stream of their own.

Mun and Salwa

Once the water had been attended to the Bani Israeel complained of hunger. Once again Hazrat Moosa supplicated the Divine Sustainer. His prayer was accepted. It happened such that night fell, the next morning the Bani Israeel saw white dew-like drops falling from the sky. When they tasted it, it was very sweet, like a sort of sweet-meat. This was “Mun”. During the day a fierce wind blew, and flights’ of quails descended on to the ground and spread out near them. The Bani Israeel used to roast these quails and eat them. This was “Salwa”.

The Shade of the Clouds

Thereafter the Bani Israeel complained of the severity of the heat, and the lack of shady trees. Once again Hazrat Moosa supplicated Allaah Ta’ala. This prayer was also accepted. Clouds descended from the heavens and shaded the Bani Israeel. Where they went they were shaded by the clouds.

The Ingratitude of the Bani Israeel.

It is amazing how the Bani Israeel expressed their appreciation for these favours of Allaah Ta’ala! One day they gathered and told Hazrat Moosa:

“Oh Moosa! We are tired of eating the same thing everyday. We don’t need this “Mun” and “Salwa”. Pray to your Allaah to cause things like peas, cucumbers, maize, grain, garlic and onions to grow from the ground, so we may really eat well.”

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“Are you asking to change that which is better for that which is inferior. Go down to the city. Indeed therein is what you ask.” (Baqaraah-61)

Seclusion at Mount Toor.

Allaah Ta’ala had promised Hazrat Moosa that once the Bani Israeel are freed from slavery, then they will be given a “Shariah” (a code of laws). Through divine instruction Hazrat Moosa went to Mount Toor. There he secluded himself in the worship of the Divine Master.

“And we promised Moosa thirty nights, and we completed it with ten. So he completed the appointed period of his Lord as forty nights.” (A’araaf-142)

Before setting of for his appointed period, he spoke to his brother Hazrat Haroon :

“Be my deputy among my people, rectify them and do not follow the corrupt ones.” (A’araaf-142)

The Divine Illumination.

When Hazrat Moosa completed his forty days, Allaah Ta’ala honoured him with the blessing of Divine conversation. He called out:

“Oh my Allaah! Show Thyself to me so that I may look at Thee! “

Allaah Ta’ala replied:

“You cannot look at me. But look at the mountain. If it (the mountain) remains in its place then you may look at me.”

When his Sustainer unveiled his glory unto the mountain, it caused it (the mountain) to crumble to dust, and Moosa fell down unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he (Moosa) said:

“Glory be to Thee! I turn to Thee repentant, and I am the first of the believers.” (A’araaf-143)

Revelation of the Tauraat.

After this sacred conversation, Hazrat Moosa was given the Tauraat.

“And we wrote everything in the slates for him. (Moosa was commanded): (So hold fast onto it, and command your people to choose the best therein.“ (A’araaf-145)

Along with the Tauraat, (in the form of slates), Hazrat Moosa was also informed that:

(Our Law is that any nation who had been granted the means of guidance, and had been shown the clear signs and proofs of truth, still persisted on the evil customs and erroneous beliefs of their ancestors, then they were allowed to be deviated. They did not share our message of truth. Because of their vice, they were deprived of the ability to accept the truth.)

The Worship of the Calf.

During this interim a strange incident occurred. A person called “Saamiry”, who outwardly professed to be a Muslim, took advantage of Hazrat Moosa’s lengthened absence. He told the Bani Israeel :

“That jewellery which you borrowed from the Egyptians can not be returned. Instead bring it to me and I will make it beneficial to you.”

The Bani Israeel handed over all the jewellery to Saamiry. He gathered it all and formed the body of a calf. Then he took a handful of sand which he had kept with him and threw in to the body of the calf. Through this scheme he created some semblance of life. The mooing sound of a calf began to emit from it. Then Saamiry said to the Bani Israeel :

“Moosa made a mistake. This is your deity.”

In this manner Saamiry led the Bani Israeel to idolatry. When Hazrat Haroon beheld this he tried to dissuade the Bani Israeel from this idolatry. He tried to make them understand that this was the path to deviation. But they refused to obey him.

They said :

“Until Moosa returns we will not abstain from this.”

Until it reached such a stage that Allaah Ta’ala deemed it necessary to inform Hazrat Moosa . Allaah Ta’ala addressed him saying:

“Oh Moosa ! Why did you leave your people and come in such haste?”

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“Oh Allaah! I hastened to your presence in order to receive guidance for the people.”

At that moment Allaah Ta’ala informed him:

“Those same people for whose guidance you are so anxious are involved in idolatry.”

When Hazrat Moosa heard this he was terribly grieved. Angry and disheartened, he returned to his people. He addressed his people saying:

“What have you done! For how long have I delayed that you have become involved in this calamity.”

He was trembling with such fury that slates of the Tauraat fell from his hands.

The Bani Israeel replied:

“It is not our fault. Saamiry took the Egyptians’ gold from us and created this farce. He incited us to this idolatry.”

Polytheism is something that the honour of a prophet can not bear. This together with his fiery temper caused him to seize his brother, Hazrat Haroon, by the neck, and as his hands advanced to Hazrat Haroon’s beard, Hazrat Haroon said :

“Oh my brother! It was not my fault. In every possible way I tried to make to them listen! But they refused saying that : “Until Moosa comes we will not listen to you.” In fact, finding they were intending to kill me. When I realised the extent it had reached I thought that if a war broke out between them and the true Muslims, I must not be accused of causing a rift among the people. Therefore I silently awaited your arrival. My dear brother don’t pull my hair and please let go of my beard! Do not give the others an opportunity to laugh at us.”

Upon hearing this, the anger that was directed at Hazrat Haroon subsided. Then he turned to Saamiry saying:

“Saamiry! What farce did you conjure?”

Saamiry replied:

“I saw such a thing which they (the Bani Israeel) did not see. When Firown was drowning, Hazrat Jibraeel was mounted on a horse, thus forming a barrier between the Bani Israeel and the Egyptians. I saw signs of life being left on the sand which bore the hoof prints of Hazrat Jibraeel’s horse. Vegetation sprouted on the dry ground touched by the hooves of the horse. I took a handful of that soil and threw into the calf, which created some form of life, and it began to emit a ‘mooing sound’.“

Hazrat Moosa said:

“Very well, in this world you will be punished in this manner that you will wander about like a mad-man. When anybody comes near you, you will run away screaming: “Don’t touch me!” On the Day of Judgement you will find the Divine punishment that has been decreed for such disobedient ones. Oh Saamiry! Listen to this as well. That calf which you have made into a deity will be cast into the fire and be reduced to ash. That ashes will then cast into ocean so that you and your foolish followers may realise that the might and power of your deity is such that let alone assisting others it can not even save itself from destruction.”

The Forgiveness of the Bani Israeel.

When Hazrat Moosa anger abated, he picked up the slates of the Tauraat and turned to Allaah Ta’ala. He enquired as to what form of punishment should be meted out to the sinners. The reply received was that those people who had resorted to idolatry had to give up their lives. It is mentioned in a tradition of Nasai Shareef that Hazrat Moosa told the Bani Israeel:

“Your repentance (Towbah) is only possible in this way that; the sinners should end their lives in this manner that, that relative who is the most beloved should kill him with his own hands.”

Meaning that the father should kill the son; the son, the father; and the brother had to kill his brother. The Bani Israeel did not have any alternative but to surrender to this command. In this manner, many of the Bani Israeel were killed. When the situation came to this extreme Hazrat Moosa prostrated himself to Allaah Ta’ala, and begged the Divine Master:

“Oh Allaah! Now have mercy on them and forgive them.”

This prayer of Hazrat Moosa was accepted and Allaah Ta’ala said:

“We have forgiven both the killer and the one who has been killed. We have also forgiven those sinners who are still alive. But let be known that in future they should not even go near idolatry.”

The Appointment of the Seventy Chieftains.

Once the sin of Bani Israeel had been forgiven, Hazrat Moosa addressed them:

“The ‘Slates’ which I have consists of the Book which has been revealed for your guidance and the success of your worldly and religious life. This is the ‘Tauraat’. It is compulsory for you to believe in it, and carry out its’ commands.”

But after all the Bani Israeel were the Bani Israeel.

They said :

“Oh Moosa! How do we know for sure that it is the Book of Allaah Ta’ala ?”

“We cannot believe just because you say so. If we are to believe in it then we must see Allaah Ta’ala with our eyes, without a veil in between, and He (Allaah Ta’ala) must tell us that: “This Tauraat is my book. You must believe in it!”

Hazrat Moosa tried to make them understand that this was a stupid, silly request. It is not possible to see Allaah Ta’ala with human eyes. As usual the Bani Israeel stubbornly persisted. Hazrat Moosa realised it was useless to argue with them. Thoughtfully he said:

“It is not possible for all hundreds and thousands of you to accompany me to Mount Toor. It will be better if a few of your chosen leaders accompany me. If on their return, they verify my claim, then you also have to agree. Since you have just committed the sin of worshipping the calf, it would also be an opportunity for you to express your regret, and promise Allaah Ta’ala to do good deeds in the future.”

The people happily agreed. Altogether, Hazrat Moosa selected 70 leaders from the various tribes and took them with him. When they reached Mount Toor, a white cloud of Divine light (Noor) enveloped Hazrat Moosa, and he began to converse with the Divine Master. Hazrat Moosa presented his request the Divine Court:

“Oh Allaah! Thou are aware of the disposition of the Bani Israeel. Through their persistence I chose 70 people. Is it possible for them to also enter into this curtain of Noor (celestial light), and listen to our conversation. Then they will be able to return to their people and verify me.”

Allaah Ta’ala accepted the prayer of Hazrat Moosa, and included the chieftains in the “Curtain of Noor”. They were able to listen to the conversation between Allaah Ta’ala and Hazrat Moosa.

The Obstinacy of the Chieftains

When the “Curtain of Noor” was removed, and Hazrat Moosa turned to the chieftains, they resumed their former persistence that they did not see Allaah Ta’ala without a curtain. Therefore they refused to believe. The Divine anger meted out such a punishment to this foolish persistence, that a single terrifying bolt of lightening struck and simultaneously an earthquake seized them, and threw them to the ground.

Upon seeing them in this helpless condition, humiliated, Hazrat Moosa supplicated the Divine Master:

“Oh Allaah! If these foolish ones persist in their foolishness, will Thou destroy all of us? Oh Allaah through your mercy forgive us!”

Upon hearing this desperate prayer of Hazrat Moosa, Allaah Ta’ala revived them. When they were granted life afresh, they looked at one another in wonder.

“And recall when you (Oh Bani Israeel!) said: ”Oh Moosa! We will not believe in you until we see Allaah Ta’ala openly! Then a thunder bolt seized you while you looked on.” (Baqaarah-55)

“Then we revived you after your death, so may express your appreciation.” (Baqaarah-56)

The Denial of the Bani Israeel

When the seventy chieftains returned to their people, they narrated the entire incident. They all agreed that what ever Hazrat Moosa had told them was the truth, and he is undoubtedly the messenger of Allaah Ta’ala.

Common sense would demand that they should express their gratitude, and surrender themselves to Allaah Ta’ala with humility and obedience. Instead they persisted in their deviation. In spite of their delegation verifying Hazrat Moosa, they still hesitated in accepting the Tauraat. They did not heed Hazrat Moosa’s advice. When Hazrat Moosa saw their ungrateful behaviour, he complained in the Divine court. Allaah Ta’ala said:

“I will bestow upon you a miracle for these disobedient ones. I will command the mountain upon which you conversed with me when these ungrateful ones witnessed the truth, to move from its place and spread itself above the Bani Israeel like a giant shade. At that moment it will be given a tongue, and it will proclaim:

“Moosa is the true prophet of Allaah Ta’ala, and the Tauraat is the true Book of Allaah Ta’ala. If they are not proofs of the truth, then you would not be seeing this great phenomenon, whose manifestation would not have been possible without the Divine Power.”

Immediately Mount Toor rose and appeared like a giant shade overhead, and it began to speak:

“Oh Bani Israeel! If you possess common sense, and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, then listen attentively to this bit of truth! As a sign of Allaah Ta’ala, I am assuring you, and I bear witness that Moosa has many-a-time had the honour of conversing with Almighty Allaah on my back. He was also given the laws of your guidance (Tauraat). Oh you rebellious and ignorant ones! This very appearance of mine, which may amaze you, is evidence that when the human heart hardens, then it becomes harder than stone.Then it cannot absorb any sort of guidance. Look! Although I (the mountain) am made up of stone, yet I also surrender to the commands of Allaah Ta’ala, and worship Allaah Ta’ala. But you in your arrogance are not prepared to change your ‘Ano’ to ‘Ayes’.

“Then your hearts hardened. Thus they are like stones or even harder!” (Baqaarah-74)

When the Bani Israeel beheld this great sign, terrified they finally believed. They accepted the Tauraat and admitted that they would execute its’ commands. Then Allaah Ta’ala said:

“Oh Bani Israeel! Hold firmly onto that which we have given you, and practice what is recorded in the Tauraat so you may become pious and god-fearing.”

But as usual, the Bani Israeel fell back onto their old habits. The Qur’aan has mentioned these very briefly yet very clearly.

“And recall! (Oh Bani Israeel) When we took from you the pledge, and we raised above you Mount Toor? Hold fast onto that that which we have bestowed upon you, and what there is therein so that you may adopt piety.” (Baqaarah-63)

“Then you turned away. Had the grace and mercy of Allaah Ta’ala not been upon you, you would have been of the losers.” (Baqaarah-74)

“And recall! When we raised the mountain above them like a canopy, and they thought it was going to fall on them, (and we said):

“Hold firmly onto that which we haven given you, perchance so may adopt piety.” (A’araaf-170)

The Promise of the Sacred Land

That valley in which the Bani Israeel were, was near Palestine. Allaah Ta’ala had promised their forefathers; Hazrat Ebrahim, Hazrat Ishaaq and Hazrat Yaqoob that:

“We will make your progeny rulers over this land.”

Hazrat Moosa received the command of Allaah Ta’ala:

“Tell your people to enter the sacred land. They must expel the tyrant rulers, and preside over land with justice and equality. We promise you victory over your enemies.”

Before preparing the Bani Israeel to enter the sacred land, Hazrat Moosa sent 12 people to investigate the conditions. They entered the nearest Palestinian city; Ariha (Jericho), and carefully observed all the conditions. When they returned they informed Hazrat Moosa that those people were gigantic, with huge powerful bodies. Hazrat Moosa commanded them not to reveal to the people what they had told him.

The long-standing slavery had made the Bani Israeel very feeble-minded. Instead of bravery and courage, they were filled with weakness and cowardice. These 12 people were after all of the same nation. Instead of remaining silent, they told the people in great detail how powerful the enemy were. However two people; Yusha bin Noon, and Kaalib bin Yafna obeyed Hazrat Moosa’s command. They did not give any one any such spirit-shattering information.

Hazrat Moosa addressed the Bani Israeel:

“Now enter the city of Jericho, and combat the enemy. Allaah Ta’ala has promised you victory.”

“And recall when Moosa said to his people:

“Oh my people! Remember the favours of Allaah Ta’ala upon you; he raised among your people prophets, and made you rulers and He (Allaah Ta’ala) bestowed upon you that which He did not grant to anyone in the world.” (Maaidah-20)

“Oh my people enter the sacred land which Allaah Ta’ala has ordained for you, and do not turn away, lest you may be of the losers.” (Maaidah-21)

The Disobedience of the Bani Israeel

When the heard this, they said:

“Oh Moosa! Terrifying people live there. We will not enter this city until those people leave.”

Yet these wretched people did not realise that until they did not courageously defeat and exile the tyrants, they will not leave the town. Yusha and Kaalib, who realised this tried to encourage the people saying:

“It is not difficult to merely cross the boundary of the city. Come lets go and fight! You will definitely be successful.”

Two men who feared Allaah Ta’ala spoke:

“Enter the door (of the city) against them. When you go in you will be victorious. Place your trust in Allaah Ta’ala if you are men of faith.” (Maaidah-23)

But the Bani Israeel were not in the least bit affected by this speech. As usual they obstinately refused. The more Hazrat Moosa tried to encourage them, them more stubbornly they refused.

They said:

“Oh Moosa! As long as they are in there we shall not enter it (the city). You and your Allaah go and fight! We shall sit here and wait.” (Maaidah-24)

Upon receiving this foolish and humiliating reply, Hazrat Moosa felt very grieved. Dispirited he supplicated the divine court:

“Oh my Allaah! Besides Haroon and myself, I do not have hope in anyone else. The two of us are at your service. Oh Allaah separate us from this disobedient nation. They are wretchedly unworthy.”

Allaah Ta’ala revealed to Hazrat Moosa:

“Oh Moosa do not be so grieved. Their disobedience should not be a burden to you. We will punish them in such a manner that for forty years they will roam about in this valley confused. They will not be granted the honour of entering the sacred land. The promised land will be forbidden to them.”

The Sinai valley is known as the “Valley of Tee”. As the Qur’aan says:

“Yateehoona fil Ardh” (They wandered about confused in the land)

Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Haroon had to remain in this valley with the Bani Israeel for the next forty years. They could not enter the sacred land either as it was necessary for the prophet to remain among his people and guide them on to the straight path

The Demise of Hazrat Haroon

While the Bani Israeel were wandering around in the Valley of Tee, they came to a mountain peak; “Hoor”. Through divine command the two prophets were instructed to ascend the mountain. The two ascended the mountain and remained there for a few days engaged in the worship of Allaah Ta’ala. There Hazrat Haroon passed away. After enshrouding and burying the body, Hazrat Moosa descended from the mountain and informed the Bani Israeel of Hazrat Haroon’s death.

The Demise of Hazrat Moosa

According to a hadith narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abu Huraira t:

“When time of Hazrat Moosa ’s death drew near, the Angel of death came to him. After conversing with him the Angel of death, Hazrat Moosa said to Allaah Ta’ala:

“Even the one with the longest life will have to die, so why shouldn’t it come today.”

Then he supplicated the Divine Master to take him in these final moments to the Sacred Land. As he had requested, Hazrat Moosa is buried in the village of Ariha1, on the “Katheeb-e-Ahmar (the red sand dunes)”.

It is apparent that the area of the Sacred land closest to the Valley of Tee was Ariha. Allaah Ta’ala fulfilled this final wish of Hazrat Moosa.

The Slaughtering of the Cow.

Once a person of the Bani Israeel had been murdered, but the murderer remained unknown. Suspicions led to false accusations which created much conflict. These arguments reached fearsome limits. So Hazrat Moosa resorted to the Divine court praying:

“Oh Allaah! This incident has created much friction among the people. Thou are the All-Knowing and the most wise. I beseech Thy help!”

Allaah Ta’ala replied saying:

“Tell them that they should slaughter a cow. Thereafter they should take a piece of flesh from the corpse of the cow and touch the dead body with it. Then we will grant it (the dead body) life, and the problem will be solved.”

Hazrat Moosa informed the Bani Israeel Of Allaah Ta’ala’s command, but as usual their perverted manner of thinking prompted them to mock and jeer. They said:

“Oh Moosa! You must be joking!”

Meaning that: “What does the slaughtering of a cow have to do with a murder?”

“Very well! If it really is the command of Allaah Ta’ala, then what kind of a cow is it? What colour is it? And we have to know some of its other qualities too!”

When Hazrat Moosa found out all its qualities from Allaah Ta’ala, and no alternative remained, they decided to carry out the divine command. Through the command of Allaah Ta’ala the dead person came back to life, and narrated the entire incident as it had happened. In this manner not only was the murderer found out, but it was also impossible for him to deny the evidence. The rumours and arguments that had been circulating were also stemmed.

This was undoubtedly one of the continuous signs of Allaah Ta’ala unto the Bani Israeel.

Hazrat Moosa and Qaroon.

Among the Bani Israeel their lived a very affluent person. The Qur’aan has mentioned him as “Qaroon”. He was extremely wealthy and possessed vast treasuries of gold and jewels. He wealth was so vast that it was difficult for a group of strong men to only carry the keys of his treasuries. This wealth made him very arrogant and conceited. Qaroon was so intoxicated by his wealth, that he began to regard all his friends and relatives as lowly and insignificant. He resorted to treating them in an extremely humiliating fashion.

Once Hazrat Moosa advised his people :

“Allaah Ta’ala has granted you countless blessings, wealth and honour. So express your appreciation spend in the way of Zakaat and Sadaqah (charity), and assist the poor. To forget Allaah Ta’ala and to oppose his commands is ingratitude to Allaah Ta’ala. It should not be that because Allaah Ta’ala has given you wealth and respect, that you treat the poor and weak people in a harsh and disgraceful manner.”

Qaroon’s self-centeredness did not benefit from Hazrat Moosa’s advice, and he haughtily said:

“This wealth of mine is not a gift from Allaah Ta’ala. It is the outcome of my knowledge and my hard-earned effort. I will not listen to your advice and squander my wealth oh Moosa!”

Undeterred Hazrat Moosa continued to preach his message, and tried to guide Qaroon on the path of the Truth. When Qaroon realised that Hazrat Moosa would not leave him alone, he planned to over-awe Hazrat Moosa.

One day he came out in great pomp and splendour. Hazrat Moosa was in the midst of a gathering delivering a Divine message when, Qaroon, heavily adorned, majestically passed by with a huge group. Qaroon’s attitude was this that:

“If Moosa wishes to hold his religious gatherings, I can also command a large following, and I possess much gold and jewels. Therefore with these weapons (gold and jewels) I will destroy Moosa!”

When the Bani Israeel saw this worldly wealth and honour, then human weakness prompted this desire in their hearts:

“Oh I wish that I had been granted that (wealth) that has been granted to Qaroon.”

But the learned ones immediately replied saying :

“Beware! Don’t be overwhelmed by this worldly wealth. Do not be enslaved by the greed for material, soon you will see the terrible outcome of this wealth.”

Qaroon spent much of his time proudly peacocking, mocking Hazrat Moosa, and humiliating the Muslims of the Bani Israeel. Finally, the Divine Master exposed His power, and the old Law of Retribution of deeds stretched forth its hand, and delivered its mighty blow. Qaroon, together with his enormous treasuries were sunk into the earth, in front of the Bani Israeel.

“And we sunk the earth together with him (Qaroon), and his mansion. He did not have anyone to assist him against Allaah Ta’ala, nor was he of those who were assisted.” (Qasas-81)

The commentators differ in opinion as to whether this incident occurred in Egypt, prior to drowning of Firown, or in the Valley of ‘Tee’. The Holy Qur’aan mentions this incident after the drowning of Firown, therefore we are inclined to believe it happened in the Valley of ‘Tee’.

Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Khidr

One the important incidents of Hazrat Moosa’s life was his meeting one of the men of the inner secrets. This meeting has been mentioned in detail in the Qur’aan in Surah Khaf and in Bukhaari Shareef.

In Bukhaari Shareef it is mentioned that Hazrat Saeed bin Jubair told Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbaastthat Nauf Bakkaali said that, that Moosa who was the companion of Hazrat Khidr was not Hazrat Moosa of the Bani Israeel, but another person by the name of Moosa. Whereupon Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbaast replied:

“That enemy of Allaah Ta’ala is a liar.”

Ubay bin Kaabt has narrated a Hadith to me which he heard from the Holy Prophet {S.A.W}. RasulAllaah {S.A.W} has said:

“One day Hazrat Moosa was delivering a sermon in the Bani Israeel, when a person asked:

“In this era who is the most learned ?”

Hazrat Moosa replied:“Allaah Ta’ala has granted me the most knowledge!”

Allaah Ta’ala reprimanded him saying: “Although this is undoubtedly your rank, but you should have attributed this knowledge to Me and said: “Allaah is the most learned.” “

Thereafter Allaah Ta’ala revealed to Hazrat Moosa that:

“At a certain place where the two oceans meet (Majma-ul-Bahrain) is a certain servant of ours who, (in certain matters), has even more knowledge than you.”

Hazrat Moosa requested Allaah Ta’ala:

“Oh my Sustainer! How can I meet this servant of yours?”

Allaah Ta’ala replied:

“Put a fish in a tiffin, and you will meet the person in that place where the fish gets lost.”

Hazrat Moosa put the fish in the tiffin and, along with his future successor Hazrat Yusha bin Noon, set off to find this pious person. They travelled until they reached a certain place. There they went to sleep for a while. While the two were asleep, the fish came alive, came out of the basket, and dived into the ocean. That portion of the water where the fish had entered the ocean solidified like ice, and formed a small path. It seemed as though a line had been drawn in the ocean.

As Hazrat Yusha bin Noon awoke he saw what had happened to the fish, but when Hazrat Moosa awoke he forgot to mention the incident. The two then resumed their journey. Shortly thereafter night fell. When the next day dawned, Hazrat Moosa said:

“Now we are feeling more tired. Bring the fish so that we may appease our hunger.”

Then RasulAllaah(pbuh) said:

“Until they reached the appointed spot, Hazrat Moosa did not feel tired. But when they erroneously continued further, they felt fatigued.”

Then Hazrat Yusha said:

“When we stopped to rest by the rock, something very strange happened to the fish. It began to move, came out of the basket, and found a path in the ocean. I totally forgot to mention this incident to you. This (forgetfulness) is the work of Shaytaan.”

RasulAllaah(pbuh) said:

“That line in the ocean was a “path” for the fish, and an incredible experience to Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Yusha.”

Hazrat Moosa said:

“That is the place we are searching for.”

They retraced their steps to the rock. Upon reaching there, they found a person attired in beautiful clothes. Hazrat Moosa made “salaam” to him.

The person asked:

“Is there “salaam” in this land?” (Muslims do not live in this land.)

This was “Khidr”.

Hazrat Moosa said:

“My name is Moosa.”

Hazrat Khidr enquired:

“Moosa of the Bani Israeel?”

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“Yes I have come to acquire that knowledge which Allaah Ta’ala has blessed you with.”

Hazrat Khidr said:

“You will not be able to bear with me patiently regarding these matters. Allaah Ta’ala has endowed me with the knowledge of certain matters of this world, which has not been given to you. You have been endowed with the knowledge of Shariah, which I have not been given.”

Hazrat Moosa said:

“InshaAllaah, I will exercise patience, and I will not oppose you in the least.”

Hazrat Khidr said:

“Then the condition is that no matter what you see you must not ask any questions. I will explain its reality myself.”

Hazrat Moosa agreed and the pair set off in a particular direction. When they reached the seashore, they saw a boat. Hazrat Khidr asked the ferrymen the fare. As they knew Hazrat Khidr, they refused to charge them a fare. Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Khidr climbed aboard, and the boat began its course. Not long after they had began travelling, Hazrat Khidr removed a beam from the boat, making a hole. This Hazrat Moosa could not stand. He told Hazrat Khidr:

“These people have done us a favour by carrying us free of charge, now you return the favour by making a hole in the ship, which will cause them to drown. This is a terrible thing.”

Hazrat Khidr replied:

“Did I not warn you that you will not be able to bear with me?”

Hazrat Moosa apologetically remarked:

“I totally forgot our agreement. Please do not seize me for my error.”

Then RasulAllaah(pbuh) said:

“This question was really through Hazrat Moosa’s forgetfulness. During this interim, a bird came and sat on the edge of the boat. It pecked at the water and took a drop into its beak.“

Thereupon Hazrat Khidr said:

“Undoubtedly, in comparison to the Divine knowledge, your and my knowledge is as insignificant as that drop of water (which the bird took in its beak) is, in comparison to the ocean.”

When the boat reached the opposite side the two disembarked and set off in a certain direction. While the pair were walking along the seashore, they came across some children playing in nearby field. Hazrat Khidr went forward and killed a certain child. Once again Hazrat Moosa lost control and said:

“How could you kill an innocent child? You committed a grievous wrong.”

Hazrat Khidr said to him:

“Did I not warn you that you will not be able to bear with me?”

Then RasulAllaah(pbuh) said:

“Because this second incident was more serious than the first, Hazrat Moosa was excused for not exercising patience.”

Hazrat Moosa replied:

“All right, again I am in the wrong. If I fail to exercise patience once more, then I will not have any excuse, and you may separate from me.”

The pair resumed there journey once more. They travelled until they reached a certain village. The residents of this village were well off and capable of entertaining guests, yet, when Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Khidr requested the people extend their hospitality, as they were travellers, the people refused. They were still passing through the town when Hazrat Khidr went near a house, whose wall was tilting, and it was feared that the wall may fall down. Hazrat Khidr supported it with his hands and straightened it.

Hazrat Moosa interrupted Hazrat Khidr saying:

“We are travellers in this village, yet the people did not entertain us, nor did they offer us any accommodation. Why did you repair the wall of this village free of charge. If you wished to do it, you could have asked for a wage, which we could have used for food.”

Hazrat Khidr replied:

“Now the time has come for you and I to part.”

Then he explained to Hazrat Moosa the reality of these three incidents. Together with this he explained that this knowledge was from Allaah Ta’ala.

Some important facts regarding Hazrat Khidr

Regarding Hazrat Khidr certain facts warrant attention:

1. Is “Khidr” his name or title ?

2. Was Hazrat Khidr merely a pious person, or was he a great saint, or was he a prophet?

3. Was he granted eternal life or did he pass away?

4. Where is the place where the two oceans meet?

5. What is Hazrat Khidr’s rank?

1. The holy Qur’aan has not mentioned Hazrat Khidr by name or title, but has mentioned him as “Abd-um min Ibaadinaa” (a servant from among our servants). The authentic traditions of Bukhaari and Muslim Shareef has mentioned him as “Khidr”, but it is not known whether it is name or title.

2. The most preferable opinion is that he is a prophet. The honourable manner in which he is mentioned in the Qur’aan denotes prophethood. Sainthood is very much removed from this rank.

3. The authentic opinions of the Ullama and the historians is that he passed away because none can escape death. The Qur’aan states:

“(Oh Mohammed(pbuh) !) We have not granted any human before you immortality.” (Ambiyaa - 34)

4. According to Allama Sayed Mohammed Anwar Shah(R.A) the “Majma - ul –Bahrain”(The meeting of the two oceans) is at that place which is now known as “Aqaba”.

5. The rank of Hazrat Khidr: At the Beginning of this narrative, the Qur’aan has mentioned regarding the knowledge of Hazrat Khidr:

“And We had taught him from Our presence a knowledge.” (Khaf - 65)

At the end Hazrat Khidr is quoted as:

“And I did not act according to my own will.” (Khaf - 65)

From the above mentioned Ayaat, it is evident that Allaah Ta’ala had endowed Hazrat Khidr with the knowledge of certain inner secrets of this world. This was an exposition through which Allaah Ta’ala enabled the righteous ones to understand that, if veil of the unseen was lifted and the realities of this world were exposed as they had been exposed to Hazrat Khidr, then the laws of this world would also change. Since this world is a place of trial and error, it is necessary for these secrets to remain hidden.

Hazrat Moosa was the Nabi of Allaah Ta’ala, an eminent Rasool of Allaah Ta’ala, the trustee of a heavenly book and a Shariah, and he was included among the high-ranking Ambiyaa. His rank was much higher than that of Hazrat Khidr. The fact that Hazrat Khidr had been endowed with certain inner secrets, did not cause him excel Hazrat Moosa.

The Harm of the Bani Israeel.

From the afore-mentioned incidents, one can gauge how the Bani Israeel, both verbally and physically hurt Hazrat Moosa. They did not even abstain from slander and false accusations. The Qur’aan mentions the harm of the Bani Israeel in Surah Ahzaab and Surah Saff:

“Oh you who believe! Do not be like those who hurt Moosa.” (Ahzaab - 69)

“And recall that time when Moosa said to his people:”

“Oh my people why are you hurting me, when surely you know that I am the apostle of Allaah Ta’ala unto you.” (Saff - 5)


Hazrat Ibrahim had specially fixed Friday for the worship of Allaah Ta’ala. During the era of Hazrat Moosa the Bani Israeel insisted that the day of worship be changed to Saturday. Due to their persistence Allaah Ta’ala revealed to Hazrat Moosa that their request had been accepted.

“And We said to them:

“Do not transgress in the matter of the Sabbath.”

“And We took a firm pledge from them.” (Ambiyaa - 154)

But the Bani Israeel did not hold true to their promise. (More details will be mentioned in Part 5 - Insha ALLAAH.)

Firown in the Light of Recent Investigations.

According to the research of the famous scholar and photographer of Egyptian Artefacts; Ahmed Yusuf Afrizy, that when Hazrat Yusuf arrived in Egypt, it was the reign of the 16th generation of the Pharaohs. The Pharaoh of that time was “Ababeel - The First”. That Pharaoh that ill-treated Hazrat Moosa was most probably Ramses - 2nd. This was the 29th generation of the Pharaohs. It was during his reign that Hazrat Moosa was born, and it was in his custody that Hazrat Moosa grew up. Due to this fear (of his kingdom being usurped), Ramses - 2nd deemed it necessary to enslave and ill-treat the Bani Israeel.

During his old age, Ramses - 2nd included his son Merneftah in his sovereignty. Therefore it is also possible that Merneftah was the pharaoh who was drowned. This opinion is also supported by the fact that Merneftah did not have his own burial vault, but was buried in the vault of the Pharaoh of the 18th generation. In the Egyptian Museum there is a corpse which is preserved. According to Mohammed Ahmed Adwey’s book “Dawat-ul-Rusul illalllah” the front portion of the nose of the corpse is damaged It seems as though it had been bitten by a fish, then according to the command of Allaah Ta’ala it was thrown out of the ocean.

“So that you may be a sign to those to come.” (Yunus - 32)

Till today Firown’s corpse seems to be saying:

“Look at me, Oh you who possess insight.”

The Decisive Statement of Maurice Bucaille.

The incident of “the drowning of Firown” has always been and still is a topic of research for the ancient as well as the recent historians. Many books have been compiled and many more are being written. These writings place much emphasis on the historical and geographical aspects. The renowned French author; Maurice Bucaille in his book; “Bible, Qur’aan and Science” discusses this in detail. Only a few points will be mentioned.

1. Hazrat Moosa was born during the Era of Ramses - 2nd, and was brought up in his custody.

2. While Hazrat Moosa was in Madyan Ramses - 2nd passed away.

3. After the death of Ramses - 2nd his son Merneftah was enthroned. He (Merneftah) was that Pharaoh who had been drowned in the Red Sea. The exact point where they crossed the Red sea is not clearly known.

4. The corpses of both Ramses - 2nd and Merneftah are preserved in the Egyptian Museum.

5. The splitting of the Ocean occurred in approximately 1200 BC.

Opinions regarding the Splitting of the Red Sea.

Some people wish to produce an earthly solution to everything, even to such an extent that they refute the Mu’jizah (Miracles) of the Allaah Ta’ala, which were sent as a proof of the prophethood of the Ambiyaa. Therefore many theories have surfaced regarding the splitting of the ocean. The most common theory is that it was simply the rise and fall of the tide. But this is not possible as the Tauraat mentions that approximately 600 000 people together with their animals and goods safely crossed the Red Sea. Thereafter Firown’s massive army was drowned.

“Then it (the ocean) separated, each part was like a mighty cliff.” (Shu’araah-63)

It is evident the above-mentioned situation remained such until the Bani Israeel crossed from one shore of the Red Sea to the opposite side. Thereafter Firown and his entire army were drowned.

“And We saved Moosa and those who were with him, altogether. Thereafter, We drowned the others.” (Shu’araah- 65,66 )

Thereafter Allaah Ta’ala has stated:

“Verily therein (in this incident) is a sign (miracle).” (Shu’araah - 67)

After the Qur’aan has mentioned this clearly, it is nothing except foolishness and stupidity to attribute the splitting of the ocean to the rise and fall of the tide. Regarding this the author has prepared the following map, which has been updated. (Map - Pg 67)

Magic and Religion.

1. Is magic a reality or is it a mere illusion?

The Ulama of the Ahle Sunnah opine that magic is a reality and has harmful effects. Allaah Ta’ala in his infinite wisdom has kept such harmful effects in magic, which may be as harmful as poison. But magic is not an independent power which is beyond the control of Allaah Ta’ala. To believe in this total Kufr (disbelief).

2. The Jurists have clearly stated that; that magic which involves the assistance of the Shayateen (the devils), the evil spirits, and the atheistic influences, and is worked through incantations and spells is regarded as polytheism (Shirk). The person who practices this type of magic is a Kaafir (disbeliever). The person who employs any such methods to practice magic, thus causing harm to others has become involved in a haraam (unlawful) deed and a grievous sin (Ghuna-e-Kabeera).

The Difference between Magic (Sihr) and Miracle (Mu’jizah).

The Mu’jizah (miracle) of a Nabi or Rasool is actually that teaching of the prophet which is used to guide the deviated people on to the straight path. Often human nature desires some supernatural feat to prove the authenticity of the prophet. Therefore it has been the sunnah (procedure) of Almighty Allaah, that together with the message and teachings of the Truth, Allaah Ta’ala endows the prophet with one or many miracles. The prophet together with his message demonstrates this miracles with out any mortal aid, or worldly means, and cannot be combated by any material means, this is called Mu’jizah (miracle).

It is also the sunnah of Allaah Ta’ala that the miracle which is given to the prophet is of that type which the prophet has informed the people about. The prophet is well aware of all its intricacies so that he may be able to convey to the people that this is actually something which is beyond their power and understanding. If pride and prejudice did not prevent them they would have plainly confessed:

In this manner the proof of Allaah Ta’ala is completed. Thus a mu’jizah is in fact indirectly the

work of Allaah Ta’ala which is manifested to verify the prophet. It is not based on any law or principle that it may be taught like a science, nor does the prophet have the power to demonstrate it all the time, so that the necessity of performing it in front of the opposition in the way of challenge does not arise. When that appropriate moment arises, the prophet is endowed with that power. On the contrary magic is skill which if the magician is well -practised in his craft, he is able to perform that magic at all times, even though its means are unknown to the common people. But those skilled in this science will be aware of it. Therefore magic (witchcraft) is a compiled science which Egyptians, Chinese and Hindus have mastered.

Academically speaking magic (Sihr) and miracle (mu’jizah) is totally different. On the practical level the difference is that the magician (witch doctor) spends his life in disgrace, fear and evil deeds. The people fear him because of his evil, or appear to be awe-struck. On the contrary the Nabi or Rasool spends his life in truthfulness, sincerity, sympathy and piety. His dealings are flawless, pure and divinely guided. He does not make the exhibition of miracles his trade, but only demonstrates it at the important moment, in order to protect the truth. The miracle is manifested that time when the enemy are fully aware of his innocence. But they request the miracle due to their doubts regarding his message. Therefore if magic and mu’jizah are compared, then mu’jizah is undoubtedly stronger. Even the most powerful magic cannot overcome a miracle. History bears testimony to the contests between the magicians and the prophets. In short Hazrat Moosa (A.S) was endowed with the miraculous staff (Asaa) and the shining white hand in that era when Egypt was renowned for its mastery in magic.

Life After Death

The Qur’aan has laid down the law that after life in this world one will be resurrected in the Hereafter. But sometimes due to certain reasons or requirements, Allaah Ta’ala even revives the dead in this world. The Qur’aan even bears testimony that such events have occurred during lives of the prophets. During the era of Hazrat Moosa (A.S), the 70 chieftains were resurrected. Due to their obstinacy and rudeness they were seized by lightning, causing them to taste death. Thereafter through the humble supplication of Hazrat Moosa (A.S), Allaah Ta’ala bestowed his mercy on them and revived them. Likewise in the incident of the slaughtering of the cow, the murdered person was revived. Allaah Ta’ala alone knows the wisdom and reason in these incidents. We as humans may understand that the object could be that those who were resurrected had a chance to express to express their gratitude that they had been given a second chance.

The Abundance of Miracles

The miracles during the life of Hazrat Moosa may be divided into two groups.

1. Before the crossing of the Red Sea.

2. After the crossing of the Red Sea.

Those Miracles Which Occurred Prior to the Crossing

1. The Staff

2. The White Hand

3. Drought

4. Damage to the crops

5. Floods

6. Locusts

7. Lice

8. Frogs

9. Blood

10. Splitting of the ocean

Those Miracles Which Occurred After the Crossing.

1. Mann and Salwa

2. The shade of the clouds

3. The flowing of streams from stones

4. The raising of Mt. Toor

5. The revelation of the Tauraat.

Due to the centuries of slavery and occupation in lowly services, the good qualities of the Bani Israeel had been destroyed. Whilst living among the Egyptians, the idolatry and worship of the phenomena had clouded their intelligence to such an extent, that in each step in monotheism they waited for some miracle. Their hearts had become so weak that without these constant miracles the faith could not take root. Therefore only two methods remained for their guidance. One was to appeal to their sense of understanding in the manner of the previous Ambiyaa, and on the appropriate occasion present a miracle (mu’jizah).

The second method was that in order to rebuild their destroyed morale, they required many spiritual expositions. Along with the teachings of the truth, these constant miracles helped to strengthen their faith. Therefore considering the deteriorated condition of the Bani Israeel Allaah Ta’ala adopted the second procedure.

The Abundance of Miracles.

The manner in which the Qur’aan describes the favours showered upon the Bani Israeel causes one to wonder that why did Allaah Ta’ala choose such an ungrateful and rebellious nation to bestow his bounties upon. The answer is most probably that during that age, compared to the Kufr, Shirk (polytheism), sin and evil prevalent in the world, the Bani Israeel were not really that bad. History also bears evidence that in spite of the general disobedience of the people, there was a group among the Bani Israeel who upheld and conveyed the message of the Truth to the people for many generations.

The Status of Hazrat Moosa

Through the Holy Qur’aan, the Ahaadith of RasulAllaah(pbuh), and the narratives of the Bani Israeel, the many illustrious qualities, virtues, and the eminence of Hazrat Moosa becomes evident. Hazrat Moosa endured many difficulties at the hands of Firown and his people, and the Bani Israeel, the like of which [with the exception of RasulAllaah(pbuh) Hazrat Ibrahim], are not heard of in the biographies of the other Ambiyaa. Among the Ambiyaa, Hazrat Moosa is one of the high-ranking prophets. After the seal of the prophets; Hazrat Mohammed(pbuh), and the Saint and patriarch of the prophets; Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Moosa is the most resolute of the Ambiyaa.

The Following Hadith has been extracted from Bukhaary and Muslim Sharief :

RasulAllaah(pbuh) has said :

“Do not elevate me above Moosa. On the Day of Reckoning, when all the people will faint due to the great terror of the day, I will be the first person to regain consciousness. I will see Moosa standing and holding onto the supports of the Arsh of Allaah Ta’ala. I can not say whether he will regain consciousness first, or because he had fallen unconscious at Mt. Toor, Allaah Ta’ala will save him from swooning on the Day of Qiyaamat.”

Ibne Katheer(R.A) states that this speech of RasulAllaah(pbuh) was due to humility. In another Hadith RasulAllaah(pbuh) is reported to have said:

“Without pride or boasting, I am the leader of the Children of Adam! “

The Hadith regarding Qiyaamat was merely to emphasise the eminence and greatness of Hazrat Moosa. But this one quality does not grant him precedence over Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh) .

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